13 Lessons I've Learned in Creative Leadership

Today, I want to share some key insights I've gathered over the years in my journey of creative leadership.

These are lessons that have shaped not just my professional life, but also my personal growth:

  1. You lead the way you live – Your leadership reflects your lifestyle.

  2. Character matters more than talent – Who you are is more important than what you can do.

  3. Consistency in the right direction builds trust – Steady progress is the foundation of trust.

  4. Hard doesn’t mean bad – Challenges often bring growth.

  5. Expect disappointment – It's a part of the journey; learn and move forward.

  6. There’s value in submission – Being able to follow is as important as leading.

  7. Serving is key – Leadership is about serving others.

  8. Do it with integrity – Always choose honesty and strong moral principles.

  9. Proximity matters – Surround yourself with the right people.

  10. Capacity requires maintenance – Take care of your abilities and skills.

  11. Write the vision down – Clearly document your goals and plans.

  12. Obedience rewards – Following through brings results.

  13. Accountability builds – Stay accountable to yourself and others for continual growth.

These principles have guided me through various challenges and triumphs. I hope they inspire and encourage you in your own leadership journey.

Rooting for you!


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