Uncertainty: How to Move Forward When You're Unsure

Have you ever felt so unsure about something that it paralyzed you? An experience like that can make or break you.

Today I’m going to share a personal story of how I overcame uncertainty. 

In 2020, I took over the role of Creative Director at VOUS Church in Miami. I had been with the team since 2018 and had assumed the roles of Graphic Designer and Associate Creative Director. Over the years, I gradually grew and got better at my craft and at the art of leadership: leading people + achieving organizational goals.

A month or two into my new role, I faced a daunting project: the vision campaign. I had done this project before but as a Graphic Designer, not as a Creative Director. The role change meant that I oversaw the entirety of the project, even the parts I didn’t know how to do, like film. The film part freaked me out! We had to produce a 5-10 minute video that told the story of VOUS: where we had been and where we were headed.

There was no other choice but to move forward. I wasn’t going to “fail” or “disappoint” at my first significant project as Creative Director.

So here’s what I did:

01 — Started with what I knew
Through my training and experience as a Graphic Designer I knew how to build a brand and a strategy that met a goal. That’s the core of any project. So I started there.

I built a Deck. The purpose of that exercise was for me to gain understanding and build meaning. I did this by pairing phrases with visuals that conveyed the emotions and tone I was looking for. Once I did that, I had a moodboard and a pretty clear art direction for the film.

*Key: Start wherever it feels comfortable for you. You gotta be able to flow.

*Key: It’s very important that as the leader, you have the vision and can clearly share it. If you’re foggy, the team will be foggy.

02 — Relied on the team
Together we went through the deck and began formulating a way to execute. The deck defined scenes, lighting, talent, props, etc. Everything I didn’t know how to do or even communicate came about from the deck! Some things were altered, others amplified depending on the reality of the skills, budget, and timeline we were working with. It was a new collaborative effort but we made it happen.

The end result was not only one of the best productions at VOUS but also a success on an organizational level. I believe that any creative endeavor must be organized and approached in such a way that it can be replicated in the future. I’ve personally gained a ton of confidence in this space and now feel comfortable working in uncertainty.

I hope this story inspires you to take action and move past the obscurities you face. Remember, start with what you know and leverage the people around you. You’ve got it in you to make it through! Keep at it. Try it and let me know how it goes. 

Sometimes I’m overwhelmed by a project because of its size or simply because what it may require of me is more than I think I’m capable of. But I’ve learned that it’s possible to overcome those insecurities and that more times than not, you’re more than capable.


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